Lab 182 - EIGRP SoO

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Prerequisites: CCNP level skills.

CE3 and CE4 use BACKDOOR link (should be used by CE routers as a secondary path).
Use the configuration from the previous lab (lab 181).


Pic2. MPLS Topology 2

You are about to advertise subnets connected to CE3 (R5). The subnets are the two loopbacks:
Loopback1 -
Loopback2 -

Based on the previous lab (Lab 181), you should fully understand what a non-standard BGP Cost Community achieves. Consider what can happen when CE3 (R5) advertises its Loopback 1 subnet ( and then it becomes inaccessible (shutdown). Explain what two racing conditions can occur and what they can cause in the given design. List all potential solutions: their pros and cons. Then, proceed to the the tasks below.

! Here is your homework, you must start digging deep.
! Do your Google search on the topic.
! It is imperative that you are able to find information on this,
! and understand the concept. I will help you only when you are
! Geeks are sometimes busy you know ...

Task 1
In CE3 (R5) and CE4 (R4) advertise loopback1 and loopback 2 into EIGRP. 

Task 2
Provide a solution preventing the potential loop that can occur when CE3's Loopback is shutdown (subnet inaccessible). The solution can allow a stale information to be propagated for a short moment but should not rely on changing the default hop count limitation.


Task 1
In CE3 (R5) and CE4 (R4) advertise loopback1 and loopback 2 into EIGRP.

CE3 and CE4 Config:
router eigrp 100
 no auto-summary

Task 2
Provide a solution preventing the potential loop that can occur when CE3's Loopback is shutdown (subnet inaccessible). The solution can allow a stale information to be propagated for a short moment but should not rely on changing the default hop count limitation.

PE1 (R1) Config:
route-map FILTER_WHEN_IT_GETS_BACK permit 10
 set extcommunity soo 100:5
interface FastEthernet0/0.15
 encapsulation dot1Q 15
 ip vrf forwarding A
 ip vrf sitemap FILTER_WHEN_IT_GETS_BACK
 ip address

PE2 (R3) Config:
route-map FILTER_WHEN_IT_GETS_BACK permit 10
 set extcommunity soo 100:4
interface FastEthernet0/0.34
 encapsulation dot1Q 34
 ip vrf forwarding A
 ip vrf sitemap FILTER_WHEN_IT_GETS_BACK
 ip address


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