Please, watch the video introduction to get familiar with some changes in the blog.
My Dynamips (Dynagen) LAN connections look like shown below:
WAN links in my labs look as shown in the pic. 2:
Pic. 2 - WAN Connections.
If you use dynamips+dynagen on Linux (like myself) you might find the following topology file useful (keep in mind I start TWO instances of the dynamips hypervisor to off load the CPU).
# Routing & Switching topology
# Author: Jarek Rek
# Revision: 7 June 2012
# WWW:
# Define global router parameters for instance 1
workingdir = /home/jr/dynagen/labs/working
# Specify 3725 IOS image:
image = /home/jr/dynagen/ios/c3725-advipservicesk9-mz.124-15.T13.extracted.bin
ram = 128
disk0 = 16
disk1 = 0
# Idlepc value
idlepc = 0x60bc00b8
mmap = true
ghostios = true
# Define router instances
[[Router R1]]
model = 3725
console = 2001
autostart = false
F0/0 = SW1 F1/1
F0/1 = SW2 F1/1
S0/0 = FRSW 1
[[Router R2]]
model = 3725
console = 2002
autostart = false
slot1 = NM-4T
F0/0 = SW1 F1/2
F0/1 = SW2 F1/2
S0/0 = FRSW 2
S0/1 = R1 S0/1
S1/0 = R3 S1/0
[[Router R3]]
model = 3725
console = 2003
autostart = false
slot1 = NM-4T
F0/0 = SW1 F1/3
F0/1 = SW2 F1/3
S0/0 = FRSW 3
S0/1 = FRSW 13
[[Router R4]]
model = 3725
console = 2004
autostart = false
F0/0 = SW1 F1/4
F0/1 = SW2 F1/4
S0/0 = FRSW 4
S0/1 = R5 S0/1
[[Router R5]]
model = 3725
console = 2005
autostart = false
F0/0 = SW1 F1/5
F0/1 = SW2 F1/5
S0/0 = FRSW 5
[[Router R6]]
model = 3725
console = 2006
autostart = false
F0/0 = SW1 F1/6
F0/1 = SW2 F1/6
S0/0 = FRSW 6
# Define global router parameters for instance 2
workingdir = /home/jr/dynagen/labs/working
# Specify 3725 IOS image:
image = /home/jr/dynagen/ios/c3725-advipservicesk9-mz.124-15.T13.extracted.bin
ram = 128
disk0 = 16
disk1 = 0
# Idlepc value
idlepc = 0x60bc00b8
mmap = true
ghostios = true
# Define router instances
[[Router SW1]]
model = 3725
console = 2007
autostart = false
slot1 = NM-16ESW
F1/9 = SW3 F1/9
F1/10 = SW3 F1/10
F1/11 = SW4 F1/11
F1/12 = SW4 F1/12
F1/13 = SW2 F1/13
F1/14 = SW2 F1/14
[[Router SW2]]
model = 3725
console = 2008
autostart = false
slot1 = NM-16ESW
F1/9 = SW4 F1/9
F1/10 = SW4 F1/10
F1/11 = SW3 F1/11
F1/12 = SW3 F1/12
[[Router SW3]]
model = 3725
console = 2009
autostart = false
slot1 = NM-16ESW
F1/13 = SW4 F1/13
F1/14 = SW4 F1/14
[[Router SW4]]
model = 3725
console = 2010
autostart = false
slot1 = NM-16ESW
[[Router BB1]]
model = 3725
console = 2011
autostart = false
F0/0 = SW3 F1/1
F0/1 = SW4 F1/1
[[Router BB2]]
model = 3725
console = 2012
autostart = false
F0/0 = SW3 F1/2
F0/1 = SW4 F1/2
[[Router BB3]]
model = 3725
console = 2013
autostart = false
F0/0 = SW3 F1/3
F0/1 = SW4 F1/3
# R1 to FRSW
1:102 = 2:201
1:103 = 3:301
1:104 = 4:401
1:105 = 5:501
1:106 = 6:601
# R2 to FRSW
2:203 = 3:302
2:204 = 4:402
2:205 = 5:502
2:206 = 6:602
# R3 to FRSW
3:304 = 4:403
3:305 = 5:503
3:306 = 6:603
13:314 = 4:413
13:316 = 6:613
# R4 to FRSW
4:405 = 5:504
4:406 = 6:504
# R6 to FRSW
***** END OF FILE *****
My next series of mini-labs (starting with Lab 168) will use the above layout until further notice.
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