OSPF Filtering Using Distribute List with Prefix-List

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Pic. 1 - Topology Diagram.

Task 1
On R1, R3, and R4 re-configure Frame-Relay and OSPF, so that there is no DR/BDR election needed on their serial0/0 links. The routers should use their default hello/dead timers 30/120 seconds respectively.

Task 2
On R2, advertise its loopback0 into OSPF area 0. Do not use network statement to accomplish that.

Task 3
Configure OSPF filtering on R4, so that does not show in its routing table. Use ip prefix-list as you matching tool.

Try to answer the following questions:
  1. What is the implication of having the same LSDB within the OSPF area?
  2. How can we filter LSAs within the area?
  3. How can we prevent a router from learning particular destinations located in the same area?
  4. What filtering tools does IOS give us to filter prefixes?
Lab Solution

Solution configuration below:

Task 1
On R1, R3, and R4 re-configure Frame-Relay and OSPF, so that there is no DR/BDR election needed on their serial0/0 links. The routers should use their default hello/dead timers 30/120 seconds respectively.

R1 Config:
interface Serial0/0
 no ip ospf network point-to-multipoint non-broadcast
 frame-relay map ip 104 broadcast
 frame-relay map ip 103 broadcast
 ip ospf network point-to-multipoint
router ospf 1
 no neighbor
 no neighbor

R3 Config:
interface Serial0/0
 no ip ospf network point-to-multipoint non-broadcast
 ip ospf network point-to-multipoint
 frame-relay map ip 301 broadcast

R4 Config:
interface Serial0/0
 no ip ospf network point-to-multipoint non-broadcast
 ip ospf network point-to-multipoint
 frame-relay map ip 401 broadcast  !

Task 2
On R2, advertise its loopback0 into OSPF area 0. Do not use network statement to accomplish that.

R2 Config:
interface Loopback0
 ip address
 ip ospf 1 area 0

Task 3
Configure OSPF filtering on R4, so that does not show in its routing table. Use ip prefix-list as your matching tool.
Pic.2 - R4 Before Filtering.

Notice! is present in the routing table.

R4 Config:
ip prefix-list BLOCK_R4_L0 deny
ip prefix-list BLOCK_R4_L0 permit le 32
router ospf 1
 distribute-list prefix BLOCK_R4_L0 in
Pic. 3 - R4 After Filtering.

Pic. 4 - LSDB on R4 Contains LSA.

Study Drill

Within OSPF area, all routers share the same database information. LSA cannot be filter if it belongs to the same area. But we can filter what is going to be placed in the routing table. IP prefix-list is not the only one matching tool we could use here. Try to use other such as access-list or route-map to see if you can make it work.


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